Round off the number 573385 upto four significant digits
573385 round off in digit is =5.734 x 10-⁴
Rounding off the number 573385 upto four significant digits we get 573400
Given :
The number 573385
To find :
Round off the number 573385 upto four significant digits
Concept :
Rule for rounding off a number :
Discard all digits to the right of the nth place , if the discarded number is less than half a unit in the nth place , leave the nth digit unchanged ; if the discarded number is greater than half a unit in the nth place , add 1 to the nth digit .
If the discarded digit is exactly half an unit in nth digit leaving the nth digit unaltered if it is an even number but increase it by 1 if it is an odd number
Solution :
Step 1 of 2 :
Write down the given number
The given number is 573385
Step 2 of 2 :
Round off the number 573385 upto four significant digits
The given number is 573385
We have to round off to 4 significant figures
5th significant figure = 8
Since 8 is greater than half a unit
So we add 1 in 4th place
Hence rounding off the number 573385 upto four significant digits we get 573400
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