round off to the nearest ten lakh:2095878 3596724 4258433 16373987 22685111
Given: The numbers 2095878, 3596724, 4258433, 16373987, 22685111
To find: Round off to the nearest ten lakh.
- Now we have given 5 numbers, so lets write it one by one and round off it.
2095878 = 2100000
3596724 = 3600000
44258433 = 4430000
16373987 = 1640000
22685111 = 2270000
So the round of to ten lakhs is :
2095878 = 2100000
3596724 = 3600000
44258433 = 4430000
16373987 = 1640000
22685111 = 2270000
Step-by-step explanation:
2095878 we need to convert it to nearest ten lakh then we need to focus on lakh place if the lakh place is smaller than 5 then we need to add 0 in the ten lakhs place but if it is bigger than 5 then we in to add +1 in the ten lakh place