Rs 2250 is divided among three friends Amar, Bijoy and Chandra in such a way that 1/6th of Amar's share, 1/4th of bijoy's share and 2/5th of the Chandra's share are equal. Fine Amar's share.
Rs 720
Rs 1080
Rs 450
Rs 1240
Answer :
The Share of Amar is 6X = 6 × 180 = Rs. 1080
Step by step explanation :
Hey Mate,
Given Data,
Rs 2250 is divided among three friends Amar, Bijoy and Chandra.
A = Amar ; B = Bijoy ; C = Chandra
(1/ 6) of A = (1/ 4) of B = (2/ 5) of C ......... (Given)
(1/ 6) of A = (1/ 4) of B = (2/ 5) of C = X
A = 6X ; B = 4X ; C = (5/ 2)X
6X + 4X + (5/2)X = 2250
12X + 8X + 5X = 4500
25X = 4500
X = 180
The Share of Amar is 6X = 6 × 180 = Rs. 1080
The Share of Bijoy is 4X = 4 × 180 = Rs. 720
The Share of Chandra is (5/ 2)X = (5/ 2) × 180 = Rs. 450
Step-by-step explanation:
Let Amar share = A,
Bijoy share = B,
Chandra share = C,
Let Rs 2250 is divided among three friends Amar, Bijoy and Chandra in such a way that 1/6th of Amar's share, 1/4th of bijoy's share and 2/5th of the Chandra's share are equal to x