rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech along change with time and place
General rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech. Omit all inverted commas or quotation marks. End the sentence with a full stop. If the verb inside the inverted commas/quotation marks is in the present tense, change it into the corresponding past tense
There are seven rules for changing direct speech into indirect. These rules are given below :
If the reporting verb is in the present or future tense, the verb in the reported speech is not changed at all.
★ Direct speech
★ Indirect speech
If the reporting verb is in the past tense the verb in reported speech is also changed to the past tense.
★ Direct speech
★ Indirect speech
If they reported speech contain some universal, then the simple present in the reported speech is not changed into the corresponding simple past, but remains unchanged. (Exception to Rule 2)
★ Direct speech
★ Indirect speech
pronounce of the first person in direct speech are change in indirect speech to the same person as the subject of the introductory verb.
★ Direct speech
★ Indirect speech
Pronouns of the second person in direct speech at changed in indirect speech to the same person as the noun or pronoun which comes after the introductory verb.
★ Direct speech
★ Indirect speech
Pronouns of the third person indirect speech remain the same in indirect speech.
★ Direct speech
★ Indirect speech
When turning a sentence from direct into indirect speech, words showing nearness are changed into words showing distance. Thus --
Now becomes then.
Here becomes there.
These becomes those.
Ago becomes before.
This becomes that.
Today becomes that day.
Yesterday becomes the day before.
Last night becomes the night before.
Tomorrow becomes the next day.
★ Direct speech
★ Indirect speech