Rural livelihood is traditional and simple. Make
two effective suggestions for modernising Indian
villages and updating the skills of the people.
Answer: Rural areas are those areas that do not have modern facilities and the population is way lower than in cities. Livelihoods mean the type of jobs and lifestyles people lead to earn a living.
Explanation: Types of Rural Livelihoods
1] Agriculture Labourers
2] Farmers
3] Farmers with Other Sources of Income
4] Rich Farmers and Landowners
5] Other Service Providers
Wise men have decreed a village should have 5000 inhabitants. In India most villages have around 1000 residents. Which means a cluster of villages with a hub village is necessary.
To sustain itself and grow, it needs to make sure of some basics. We have to move away from the distilled wisdom of Gandhiji and factor in technology and medicine -- both Western and Indian.
A village thrives if it commits itself to basic things such as health care, hygiene and education.