Ryan is appearing for a techathon that offers price money of 10K for the winner. Techathon has provided a platform where an incomplete code will appear, and the participants have to complete it. Ryan got a program where he needs to create a complex calculator. Can you help Ryan win this competition? The first line consists of a choice which is an integer to choose from 1 to 3. Choice 1 represents addition of two complex numbers, 2 represents subtraction of two complex numbers and 3 represents the multiplication of two complex numbers.
बुड्ढा घे ट्यूबीजेकेे
The program in C langauge is
include <stdio.h>
struct complexnum
int real, img;
void main(void)
struct complexnum a, b, c;
int operand
printf("Enter a and b as first complex input in the form of a + ib ");
scanf("%d%d", &a.real, &a.img);
printf("Enter c and d as second complex input ");
scanf("%d%d", &b.real, &b.img);
printf("Enter the integer as operand");
scanf("%d", &operand);
if (operand == 1) // Addition
c.real = a.real + b.real;
c.img = a.img + b.img;
elseif (operand == 2) // Subtraction
c.real = a.real - b.real;
c.img = a.img - b.img;
elseif (operand == 3) // Multiplication
c.real = (a.real x b.real) - (a.img x b.img) ;
c.img = (a.real x b.img) + (a.img x b.real) ;
printf("The output complex number: (%d) + (%di)\n", c.real, c.img);
return ;