S (a) 23-9N-66-ON (b) 23-9N-2329s 23 9s (c) 23s – 66 9s (d) 66 – 90°s 3. यदि आप भारत के पड़ोसी देश त्रिपुरा से पश्चिम की ओर बढ़ते हैं, जहां से होकर आपको पश्चिम बंगाल पहुँचना पड़ता है a) बांग्लादेश b) म्यांमार सी) नेपाल डी) पाकिस्तान 4. निम्नलिखित प्राकृतिक घटनाओं में से कौन-सी एक पर्यावरणीय निम्नीकरण के लिए उत्तरदायी नहीं है? (a) जैव विविधता का नुकसान (b) मिट्टी का क्षरण (ग) अत्यधिक वर्षा (घ) भूस्खलन 5.चित्र में, दरारो के बीच स्थित भू-भाग के उत्थान के कारण कौन-सा भू-आकृति विकसित होता है?? a) ज्वालामुखी पर्वत (b) ब्लॉक पर्वत (c) लावा पठार (c) महाद्वीपीय ढाल 6. किसके निर्माण के लिए एक साथ संचालन अपरदन, परिवहन और निक्षेपण आवश्यक हैं? (a) ऑक्स-बो झील (b) बाढ़ का मैदान () डेल्टा (c) कैनियन Cracks in hindi
What's special about 21st June?
In the question, we are given with this date only because this day is known as Summer solstice when the northern hemisphere will have its longest day and shortest note.
March 21st and September 23rd are known as equinoxes because they have equal days and equal nights in all places of Earth.
After the March equinox, the sun appears to move northwards of the earth and is vertically overhead of Tropic of Cancer(23.5° N) on 21st June. (Summer solstice)
By December 22nd, the sun is overhead of the Tropic of Capricorn when Southern hemisphere will have its longest day and shortest night. (Winter solstice).
We know that Tropic of Cancer is towards 23° N of the equator and the sun rays will fall directly overhead of it.
And we know that,
(For Summer solstice)
⇛ Altitude = 90° - latitude + 23.5°
⇛ Altitude of sun = 90° - 23.5° + 23.5°
⇛ Altitude of sun = 90° (Max.)
Hence the Altitude of sun on 21st June is:
And we are done !!
d) 23 1/2
The sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn (the 23.5°S parallel of latitude).The North Pole has 24 hours of darkness on this day, while the South Pole has 24 hours of daylight. Spring in the Northern Hemisphere begins March 20 or 21 when again the Earth is not tilted toward or away from the sun.These are the latitudes where the Sun is directly overhead at noon once a year. In the Northern hemisphere, on the Tropic of Cancer, that is the June Solstice.