s.i. प्रणाली में क्षेत्रीय प्रसार गुणांक की इकाई बताओ।
क्षेत्रीय प्रसार गुणांक : एक डिग्री सेल्सियस (1 ०C) तापमान बढ़ाने पर किसी वस्तु के एकांक क्षेत्रफल में होने वाली वृद्धि या प्रसार गुणांक (β) कहा जाता है।
In research of human subjects, a survey is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people. Surveys may be conducted by phone, mail, via the internet, and also at street corners or in malls.
In research of human subjects, a survey is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people. Surveys may be conducted by phone, mail, via the internet, and also at street corners or in malls.
In research of human subjects, a survey is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people. Surveys may be conducted by phone, mail, via the internet, and also at street corners or in malls.