Chinese, asked by abhileshkumarpatelda, 4 months ago

सुबह के दस बज रहे थे। मुझे डाक से एक चिट्ठी मिली। मैं लिफ़ाफ़ा खोलकर चिट्ठी पढ़ने लगा-कृपा करके
मेरे अखबार के लिए एक कविता भेज दीजिए। चिट्ठी के नीचे संपादक के हस्ताक्षर थे। संपादक का नाम महिपाल
सिंह था। चिट्ठियाँ तो बराबर ही आती रहती हैं, पर इस चिट्ठी ने मेरे मन को अपनी ओर खींच लिया। इसका कारण
यह था कि चिट्ठी की लिखावट बड़ी सुंदर थी। हर अक्षर साँचे में ढला हुआ-सा मालूम पड़ता था।
महिपाल सिंह से मेरी कोई जान-पहचान नहीं थी। यह उनकी पहली चिट्ठी थी। लिखावट देखकर मेरे मुँह से
अनायास ही निकल पड़ा, “वाह! बड़ी सुंदर लिखावट है।"
मैंने दूसरे ही दिन कविता भेज दी।
कविता अखबार में छपी। जिस अंक में छपी, वह अंक भी मेरे पास आया।



Answered by cutex57


I hope this helps you


It was ten in the morning. I received a letter by post. I opened the envelope and started reading the letter - kindly

Send a poem to my newspaper. Under the letter was the editor's signature. Editor Name Mahipal

There was a lion. The letters keep on coming, but this letter pulled my mind towards me. The reason

It was that the writing of the letter was very beautiful. Every letter seemed to be cast in the mold.

I had no acquaintance with Mahipal Singh. This was his first letter. Seeing the handwriting from my mouth

Spontaneously came out, "Wow! It's a very beautiful handwriting. "

I sent the poem the very next day.

The poem appeared in the newspaper. The issue in which it appeared also came to me.

Answered by anshsahu953


It was ten in the morning. I received a letter by post. I opened the envelope and started reading the letter - kindly Send a poem to my newspaper. Under the letter was the editor's signature. Editor Name Mahipal There was a lion. The letters keep on coming, but this letter pulled my mind towards me. The reason It was that the writing of the letter was very beautiful. Every letter seemed to be cast in the mold. I had no acquaintance with Mahipal Singh. This was his first letter. Seeing the handwriting from my mouth Spontaneously came out, "Wow! It's a very beautiful handwriting. " I sent the poem the very next day. The poem appeared in the newspaper. The issue in which it appeared also came to me.

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