संघवाद में कितने प्रकार की सरकारें होती है। नाम बताइये।
How many types of governments are there in federalism?
There are two types of federal system. they are
1. Dual federalism
2. Cooperative federalism
Dual federalism hold the union and the state are equally under the view of federalism, but the union government only has the power expressly granted to it. while the state retain all the power.
Cooperative federalism state that the federal government is definitively superior to State government and the federal government should stretch it's power as far as possible. the union doesn't complete fit either definition.
the type of federalism in effect really depends on the power that time. the Constitution prevent stretching federalism too far in either extrem.
उत्तर: किसी भी संघीय व्यवस्था में सामान्य तौर पर सरकार के दो स्तर होते हैं। एक स्तर पर पूरे देश के लिये एक सरकार होती है और दूसरे स्तर पर राज्य की सरकारें होती हैं।
please Yar make me brainliest and like my 10 answers please