सॉल्व द फॉलोइंग सिस्टम ऑफ लाइनर इक्वेशन विद रिलेशन डिनॉमिनेटर यूजिंग द मेथड ऑफ इरीगेशन अंडर रूट 3 एक्स माइनस अंडर रूट 2 अंडर रूट 3
Step-by-step explanation:
The accurate determination of an irrigation schedule is a time-consuming and complicated process. The introduction of computer programs, however, has made it easier and it is possible to schedule the irrigation water supply exactly according to the water needs of the crops. Ideally, at the beginning of the growing season, the amount of water given per irrigation application, also called the irrigation depth, is small and given frequently. This is due to the low evapotranspiration of the young plants and their shallow root depth. During the mid season, the irrigation depth should be larger and given less frequently due to high evapotranspiration and maximum root depth. Thus, ideally, the irrigation depth and/or the irrigation interval (or frequency) vary with the crop development