Biology, asked by anilchoudhary4780, 3 months ago

स्नायुकोश का एक साफ चित्र बनाओ और उसमें नीचे बताए गये अंशों को चिह्नित क (क) डेनड्रन ख) स्वान सेल (ग) साइनैपटिक नाब (घ) एक्सस्नायु कोष का ऐसा चित्र बनाओ और उसमें नीचे दिए आंसुओं को चिन्हित करो ​


Answered by dochaniasona80


Jwjjwjwjwjwjwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwknwjsjskskskkskakaiwiw and I have been working on the 6 for the last few months and I have been working on the education of children and young people in the past and have been working on the education of children and young people in the past and have been working on the education of children and young people in the past and have been working on the education of children and

Answered by WAGHAKASH183


बन्द रडतोय ठिकाणी डेझर्ट चौघेजण ओतणे एकदम खूण

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