Science, asked by durgaar84, 9 months ago

स्टेट द रोल ऑफ इन ए ईयर इन द प्रोसेस ऑफ ईयर ing​


Answered by karmjeet2341


हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें

प pa -- the first letter of the fifth and ultimate pentad (i.e. पवर्ग) of the Devanagari alphabet; a Sanskrit suffix meaning drinking/one who drinks (as मद्यप); guarding, protecting (as गोप); ruling (as नृप); (in music) the fifth note of the gamut.

पंक pāṅk -- (nm) mud, slush; mire, bog, quagmire.

पंकज paṅkaj -- (nm) a lotus (flower).

पंकिल paṅkil -- (a) muddy; slushy; boggy.

पंकिलता -- muddiness, bogginess; quagginess.

पंक्चर paṅkchar -- (nm) a puncture.

पंक्चर करना -- to puncture.

पंक्चर जोड़ना -- mend a puncture.

पंक्ति paṅkti -- (nf) a line; row; file; rank; queue.

पंक्तिबद्ध -- arranged in a line or row; queued up; hence पंक्तिबद्ध ता (nf).

पंक्ति बनाना -- to fall in.

पंक्तिका paṅktika: -- (nf) diminutive of पंक्ति (see).

पंख paṅkh -- (nm) wing; pinion, feather; blade.

पंख कतरना/काटना -- see पर(कतरना).

पंख जमना/निकलना -- lit. to grow wings—to take to risky ways; to give oneself airs.

पंख परेवा बना -- .

पंखड़ी paṅkhṛi: -- (nf) a petal; blade.

पंखा paṅkha: -- (nm) a fan.

पंखा करना/पंखा झलना -- to fan.

पंखा चलाना -- to switch on the fan.

पंखिका paṅkhi:ka: -- (nf) a finlet.

पंखी paṅkhi: -- (nf) a small fan; (nm) a bird.

पंखु/ड़ी, पंखुरी paṅkhuṛi:, ~ri: -- (nf) see पंखड़ी.

पंग/त, पंगति paṅgat, ~ti -- (nf) a row; a row of invitees taking meals en masse, community feast.

पंग बैठना -- to be seated in a row for community feasting.

पंग से बाहर करना -- to excommunicate.

पंगु paṅgu -- (a) lame (crippled by defect in a foot or leg).

पंगुता, पंगुत्व -- lameness.

पंगुल -- lame.

पंगु हो जाना -- to be incapacitated, to be rendered helpless.

पँच pach -- an allomorph of पंच (five) used in a number of compoundwords.

पँचमेल -- a mixture of five; amixture of five kinds of sweetmeat.

पँचरंगा -- five-coloured.

पँचलड़ा -- consisting of five strings.

पँचहरा -- quintuplicate.

पंच paṇch -- (a) five; (nm) the number five; an arbitrator or a body of arbiters or jury; the headmanof a caste or village.

पंचक -- a set oraggregate of five; in Astrology, a coincidence of five stars whereincommencement of an auspiciousceremony is prohibited.

पंचकर्म -- thefive actions of the body as propounded under the Indian medicinal system.

पंचकोण -- a pentagon.

पंचकोश -- according to the Veda:nt, the five covering shells of the soulviz. अन्नमय कोश, प्राणमय कोश, मनोमयकोश, विज्ञानमय कोश and आनंदमय कोश.

पंचखना -- five-storeyed.

पंचगव्य -- thefive products of the cow, viz.milk, curd (coagulated milk), butter and the liquid and solid excreta (गोबर and गोमूत्र).

पंचगुण -- five-times; the five attributes of sound( शब्द), touch (स्पर्श), form (रूप), taste( रस) and smell (गंध).

पंचतत्त्व -- the fiveessential elements viz, earth, water, fire, air and ether.

पंचत्व -- the transformation of the five elements ofthe body (पंचभूत) to their respective original forms; death.

पंचत्व को प्राप्तहोना -- lit. to be transformed into thefive original elements—to expire.

पंचदश -- fifteen.

पंचदेव -- the five majorgods of the Hindu:s—Vishṉū, Shiv, Gaṉēsh, Su:ry, Darga:.

पंचनद -- having five rivers; the province ofPunjab in pre-partition India.

पंचनामा -- the mutualy written agreement between the contendingparties; to appoint an arbitratoror a body of arbitrators.

पंचपात्र -- thefive vessels of adoration collectively; a vessel used for offering water to the idol.

पंचप्राण -- the five vital airs of the body.

पंच-फ़ैसला -- arbitration, the award of a court ofarbitration.

पंचभूत -- the five elements viz. earth, fire, water, airand ether.

पंचभूतात्मा -- a human being made up of the पंचभूत.

पंचमकार -- in religious rites of the Va:m-ma:rgi:s, the five essentials each beginning with the letter 'म' viz. मद्य( wine).

मांस -- (human flesh).

मत्स्य -- (fish).

मुद्रा -- (gesticulation) and मैथुन( copulation).

पंच महायज्ञ -- the five greatsacrifices specified for the Hindusviz. the worship of the spirits( भूतयज्ञ); the worship of progenitors( पितृयज्ञ); the worship of gods.

पंच/म pāṇchām -- (a) fifth; (nm) the fifth note of Indian musical scale; one of the musical modes.

पंचमांग -- fifth column.

पंचमांगी -- a fifth columnist.

पंचमाक्षर -- the fifth and nasalletter of each pentad viz. ङ, ञ, ण, न, म.

पंचमी pāṇchmī: -- (nf) the fifth day of each lunar fortnight.

पंचर panchar -- (nm) see पंक्चर.

पंचांग pāṇchā:ṅg -- (a) having five members/parts/sub-divisions; (nm) a calendar, analmanac, ephemeris.

पंचाग्नि pāṇcha:gnī -- (nf) a collection of five fires (one each of the east, west, north, and south, the sunoverhead being the fifth) amidstwhich Hindu devotees performpenance, five mystic fires supposedto be present in human body.

पंचाग्नि तपना -- to undertake the severestpenance.

पंचाट pāṇcha:ṭ -- (nm) an award, arbitral award.

पंचामृत pāṇcha:mrit -- (nm) a mixture of milk, curd, sugar, ghee andhoney.

पंचायत pāṇcha:yat -- (nf) a village assembly; arbitration or a body ofarbitrators; an assembly of electedrepresentatives; (a gathering for) gossip-mongering.

पंचायतघर -- the seat ofthe पंचायत.

पंचायत जोड़ना/बटोरना -- to causea gossip gathering, to assemblea

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