साँड़ का शीर्ष युक्त अशोक स्तंभ
में मिला है।
The world is totally and completely unfair.
This is not a moral judgment, it is just because much of the world is governed by physical processes, which tend to distribute resources and events in unpredictably uneven ways ("non-fair" might be a more accurate term). Even the biochemical composition of our bodies, which play a large part in determining our inherent traits and talents, is very unevenly distributed. It's pretty hard to find any two things in the world that are exactly the same.
On the other hand, humans have fairness as a moral value, though it is not universally subscribed to. Thus, making things fair is something that humans try to do, but doing so is difficult in practice (because the physical world is not fair) and despite a widespread instinctual human desire for fairness, it also runs up against an equally widespread instinctual human desire for advantage-seeking over peers. The most enduring institutions seem to be the ones which try to do things fairly or make things more