Hindi, asked by ADSINGH5117, 3 months ago

स्वप्न भरे कोमल-कोमल हाथों को अलसाई कलियों पर फेरते हुए कवि कलियों को प्रभात के आने का संदेश देता है, उन्हें जगाना चाहता है और खुशी-खुशी अपने जीवन के अमृत से उन्हें सींचकर हरा-भरा करना चाहता है। फूलों-पौधों के लिए आप क्या-क्या करना चाहेंगे?


Answered by StrikeLover


True friends aren't phony with you. They show you who they really are. They're honest with you when it matters most. They never try to deceive you to make themselves seem stronger, more successful, or better than they really are. ... A true friend is not only honest about themselves, but they are also honest about you.

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