India Languages, asked by kumarjaiswalamitesh, 4 months ago

संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की किन्हीं छ: उपलब्धियों का वर्णन कीजिए।
Describe any six achievements of the UNO.​


Answered by sampadasur

Major achievements of UNO

1. UNO has rendered a great service in establishing Peace and Security by solving various problems generally political disputes by Security Council, Legal disputes by the International Court of Justice and others by special agencies.

2. The UNO has solved many international disputes and preserves peace in the world through peaceful negotiations.

3. It settled disputes between Israel and Palestine, Iran and Iraq and withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

4. It has signed many Nuclear Test Ban treaties like NTBT in 1963 and CTBT in 1996.

5. UN has conducted the conference of environment and development at Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

6. In this conference, all countries adopted -Agenda 21 " a blueprint to promote economic development and protect natural resources.

Answered by ranganathbariki1979


Finally, there were significant achievements outside the immediate domain of peace and security: notably the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, followed by the two international covenants of 1966 (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, ...

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