Hindi, asked by Harry2006KSG, 7 months ago

Saachi Mitreata par annuched.
Request to prvoide the answer in Hindi letters not english.


Answered by Itznunurbusiness


जब हम विचलित होते हैं तब वह हमारा मार्गदर्शन करता है। सच्चा मित्र हमारे लिए शक्तिवर्धक औषधि का है जब हम शारीरिक रूप से कमजोर महसूस करते हैं। सच्चा मित्र हमें पथभ्रष्ट होने से बचाता है और सत्मार्ग की ओर ले जाता है। सचमुच सच्ची मित्रता एक वरदान है जो हर किसी को नहीं मिलती।

Answered by ushaalluri


recently learned that in India people often use input method based on transliteration. This is not a nice native way; it makes the whole culture fully dependent on English-basic culture, and put local Indian cultures in a submissive position. I guess, the it is deeply rooted in the fact of having many different writing systems in India, more then in the rest of the worlds taken together.


I recently learned that in India people often use input method based on transliteration. This is not a nice native way; it makes the whole culture fully dependent on English-basic culture, and put local Indian cultures in a submissive position. I guess, the it is deeply rooted in the fact of having many different writing systems in India, more then in the rest of the worlds taken together.


Some people from India told me that some scripts are too big to fit in the Western keyboard. That's true, but I don't think this is a stopper. Extra character can be entered using the dead char feature (two keys following each other, producing only one character; please see the help on the application for the explanation).

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