Sabastian gathered data by surveying his neighbors comparing how much time they spend on the internet to how much mail they receive in a week. Explain the steps Sabastian should take in order to analyze the data.
Fielding costs are typically lower than offline surveys. Online surveys often do not have postal costs, interviewer costs, printing costs, or phone calling charges. Email broadcasting is affordable; delivery costs mere pennies per message or less. Organizations with simple questionnaires can set-up and design their surveys very cheaply with the online survey companies that are currently out there.
Results can be collected very quickly. Fielding can take days instead of weeks or even months. However, be careful not to field a survey too quickly! They should stay open for at least a week to minimize the risk of bias (for example, if working moms are more likely to respond over the weekend and your survey was only open between Monday and Friday, you've just underrepresented a group). Also, just as much time should go into designing an Internet questionnaire as would be spent on a mail or phone questionnaire.
Internet questionnaires are typically easy to modify in the midst of conducting the survey. Want to add a question or restrict access to certain types of respondents? Not a big deal with most online surveys.
Results from an online survey can also be reviewed in real-time online. Graphs, tables, cross-tabulations, etc. can all be generated. This makes monitoring an active survey very easy, and allows easy sharing of data between departments and companies. In some instances there is no further reporting needed, eliminating even more time and costs.
In comparison to mail surveys, Internet surveys allow a researcher to efficiently direct respondents to appropriate questions based on their responses. This tends to increase the completion rate and minimize data cleaning, both of which are good for the research.