English, asked by vaniviji0653, 6 months ago

sahana sorry again by mistake
please resend ur answer I will take screenshot

Please answer my question​



Answered by Anonymous

1.The childpanicked when herealized (hat he hadlost his parents. Hewas puzzled, angry and desperate. He cried and shouted for his parents.

2.The man in the shrinerescued the lost child. He lifted him up in his arms and tried to soothe him. He took him to the nearest roundabout swing andoffered to buy him flowers, balloons and sheets.

3.The child went to a fair with his parents. He wantedgarlands, balloons and sweets overthere. He also wanted to see the snake and take a ride on the swing.

4.The lost child loses interest in the things that he had wanted earlierbecause he was panic stricken on being separated from his parents. All he wanted was to be united with them. All the things that attracted him in the fair no longer tempted him and now the only thing that mattered was finding his parents.

Hope it helps you dear!!☺️❤️⚡✌️

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