Physics, asked by smritipatel29, 8 months ago

Sam is travelling in a train. He observe that the trees near the track appears to

be moving whereas co-passengers appear to be stationary. He is curious to know the

reason, Help him out

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Answered by sourinCKB


The whole question is based upon Newton's 1st law of motion......Sam is sitting in a moving train, which means he is also in a state of motion along with all other passengers.But the trees outside are in a state of rest with respect to the train and Sam.So, using the concept of relative motion, we can conclude,the trees are relatively at rest with respect to Sam, so he sees the trees to be moving......but not passengers

Answered by rthunder008


this is because the train is moving in a sertan direction . Sam observed that the tree is moving though it is stationary but the train is moving and along with the train Sam is also in motion and the co - passenger is also in motion . though the tree is stationary but train is moving and Sam and the co-passengers too so the tree appear to be moving.

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