सम पॉइंट्स ऑन ट्रीज इन कनाडा
Canada is covered with 397.3 million hectares (ha) of forest which represent 53.8 percent of its total surface area of 738.5 million ha — that’s a lot of trees!
Here’s a quick guide to help you recognize and name some of the more common trees in Canada.
The Spruce tree has needles not leaves, and in Canada they grow coast to coast. Guess what? We have more Spruce trees in Canada than any other species.
Pine trees have needles, not leaves, they also drop lots of pine cones. Pine trees are the third most common tree in Canada. And check this out — pine needles make a nice tea!
Sugar Maple
The sugar maple is famous for its beautiful fall colours, sweet maple syrup and red leaf on the Canadian flag.
Eastern White Cedar
Known as the “tree of life,” the Eastern White Cedar provides shelter and food to deer, small mammals and birds. Aboriginal people used the leaves to treat scurvy. Today, we use cedar leaf oil in medicines and perfumes.