English, asked by DUSTINNOAH06, 10 months ago



Answered by muwin


My mom’s name is Lisa and she was a PTA but is now a stay at home mom. My dad’s name is Luis and he was a chemical and nuclear engineer, but now owns his own business. I have 3 sisters: Angie, Silencia, and Mahalia. I also have 3 brothers: Matthias, Geminiah, and Elshaddai. Angie works with my dad to eventually take over the family business. The rest of my siblings are in school except for Elshaddai who is only 3. My family expects me to be a good example to my younger siblings and encourage them. To do this they also expect me to do well in school and in athletics. My mom is a very outgoing, loud, and energetic person. My dad is also very outgoing and loud, but he has more of a serious side to him. Angie is really fun, but she also has a more relaxed personality. Mahalia is very loud, active, and argumentative. Silencia is the most soft-spoken and relaxed out of everyone. Matthias is very outgoing, loud, and active. Geminiah and Elshaddai are both loud and very active. I have good relationships with everyone in my family. I do have small disagreements with my siblings sometimes, but we all love each other a lot. I had a very unusual childhood, but it was still fun. My childhood was unusual because it involved a lot of training but that’s what we did together as a family, and growing up I had friends that did the same thing and we all enjoyed it.

In grade school I competed in a lot of powerlifting meets and got to travel all over the country to break world records.

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