sample speech on college raising day
Ashish said I can see it in a few days ago
We warmly welcome everyone – outstanding guests, correspondents, teachers, and dear friends and parents of such great and talented children. Finally, the auspicious day has come; put an end to our inpatient anticipation and tireless preparations for this event.
I am a little surprised how a person like me, who loved every aspect of this stage, but so hesitant to come here and talk, now has the courage. With great pleasure and satisfaction, I stand here to give a welcome speech on our most expected annual day.
Indeed! The annual school day is the culmination of the school’s academic year. It is a time for celebration and recognition of the students as well as the school’s achievements.
It is also a time for teamwork and being proud that the school stands for and believes and values. Encourage the children to participate in the various events and see their blossom into an individual with several talents.
It is a pleasant evening, steeping in a solemn mood, atmosphere, and singing of my friends. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and “community spirit.”. I express a deep sense of gratitude to our correspondent Lady for giving her a helping hand on every right path we have chosen.
It is a day of joy because together, we will remember many of the moving stories we have experienced in the past years. It is also a day on which our old students, parents, and friends will learn more about the past and future development of the study and school. Our students have always been known as students with diverse capabilities, and I am sure that you will agree today.
We are at a stage where the chapter closes, and a new one begins. It is overwhelming that we are now counting the years since the school was founded. What a journey it was – every year it has its triumphs and struggles. It was an adventurous journey.
The year 2018 – 19 was celebrated in many ways. The Cricket team won, and our school got it with the association of 10 or 11. The similarity between them is that both could not be possible without the team’s effort. It is the most valuable efforts of students who have always cooperate to solve problems and enjoy happiness in the team.
The year was exciting, full of challenges and revival like everyone else. Some days were an endless stream of emergencies that came unannounced. Everyone allows learning, ask questions, reflect, and introspect. As we prepare for the year, we welcome new tryst, new questions, and new problems: new solutions and new heights.
Moreover, when we do, it, we remember that … “On each blade of grass sits an angel who still says: Grows! It grows! – More about school development and a few other points.
Finally, we know that: we have become stronger and intelligent. The happiness and satisfaction of teachers and students show that “everything is good” or “almost everything is good.” Thanks a lot for always trust and support.
We set our standards, strive to achieve them, and rise to higher levels. Science, evolution, and effort will never cease.
Once again, welcome to all these memorable festivities throughout the year. Everyone will be surprised by watching what will be on the stage. I want to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity.