Sand a scan/photo of your answer sheet to your teacher upon completion
Physical copy of all answer sheets to be submitted together wt the end of soment Orde as directed by the
principal/teacher, kompling In view norms of social distanding
Q1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
When we enter New York harbour, the first thing we see ls the statue of Liberty. What Impres
us the most la lits size and magnificenon. Have you ever wondered how it came to be there? The
Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of America
Independence. In 1869, soulptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan is concept for the monu
Bartholdi chose the look of classic Greek and Roman figures. He envisioned Uberty strong and
figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek goddesses of the past, but also the way
and women of the present. Finally, In 1884, the work was finished, and Uberty was packed ling
and sent to New York City. Only one problem stood in the way. While the French had raised a lot of fun
to build the statua, New York had not secured the funds to build its foundertion. It was not an a New York
newspaper implored people for donations that money became svalable. Anally, on Zalth October 2005
Americans celebrated the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty.
1 Why was the Statue of Liberty given as a gift to America by France?
2. What is the name of the sculptor of the monument the Statue of Uberty?
3. What did the sculptor Imagine the Statue of Uberty to be?
4. How many years did it take to unvell the Statue of liberty ?
5. When was the statue of liberty unveiled ?
6. Which word from the passage means the same as
Imagined ( Requested
Sand a scan/photo of your answer sheet to your teacher upon completion
Physical copy of all answer sheets to be submitted together wt the end of soment Orde as directed by the
principal/teacher, kompling In view norms of social distanding
Q1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
When we enter New York harbour, the first thing we see ls the statue of Liberty. What Impres
us the most la lits size and magnificenon. Have you ever wondered how it came to be there? The
Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of America
Independence. In 1869, soulptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan is concept for the monu
Bartholdi chose the look of classic Greek and Roman figures. He envisioned Uberty strong and
figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek goddesses of the past, but also the way
and women of the present. Finally, In 1884, the work was finished, and Uberty was packed ling
and sent to New York City. Only one problem stood in the way. While the French had raised a lot of fun
to build the statua, New York had not secured the funds to build its foundertion. It was not an a New York
newspaper implored people for donations that money became svalable. Anally, on Zalth October 2005
Americans celebrated the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty.
1 Why was the Statue of Liberty given as a gift to America by France?
2. What is the name of the sculptor of the monument the Statue of Uberty?
3. What did the sculptor Imagine the Statue of Uberty to be?
4. How many years did it take to unvell the Statue of liberty ?
5. When was the statue of liberty unveiled ?
6. Which word from the passage means the same as
Imagined ( Requested
See how long your question is.‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️