sand word one sentence in hindi
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Usage of "Sand" in sentences
- a large intermixture of sand
- a grain of sand
- The blazing sun crackled the desert sand.
- रेत का एक बड़ा अंतर
- रेत का एक दाना
- धधकते सूरज ने रेगिस्तान की रेत को उधेड़ दिया
Examples :-
- To better understand the meaning of Sand, certain examples of its usage are presented.Examples from famous English prose on the use of the word Sand
- "They build their houses with sand, and they play with empty shells"
- - The word/phrase 'Sand' was used by 'Rabindranath Tagore' in 'The crescent moon'.
- "He shook the sand off his trousers to gain a little time"
- - 'Mario Vargas Llosa' has used the Sand in the novelWho killed palomino molero .
- "They walked away without saying a word, the sand muffling their footsteps"
- - - To understand the meaning of Sand, please see the following usage by Mario Vargas Llosa in Who killed palomino molero.
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