Sangeetha said that each time you add two integers, the value of the sum greater than the numbers. Is Sangeetha right? Give reasons for your answer
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Step-by-step explanation:
No Sangeetha is wrong.
Let two integers be
1st integer ------ -1
2nd integer ------ -2
When we add this two we get
-1 + (-2) = -3 , which is smaller than both -1 and -2
Hence Sangeetha is wrong.
Answer: Two intergers
Let one interger be 2
Let second interger be 6
Step-by-step explanation:
Now u say me if i add these two intergers then, the value of the new interger will be greater (greater than the two intergers) ?
But sangita is right in this case only because in negative intergers case,
If u take one negative interger = -2 and second negative interger = -3
then (-2) + (-3) = -5 , which is smaller than both of these negative intergers.
Therefore sangeetha is wrong .
Hope u understood follow and thanks to me :)