Sanjay Dasgupta the head boy of Rs Public School Nagpur write a notice for the school board informing the student about a surprise school inspection to be conducted by the district education officer d e o in the coming week make an appeal for punctuality cleanliness proper uniform and discipline put the notice in a box
January 8, 2019 RS Public School, Nagpur
School Inspection
This is to inform the students from I to XII classes that a surprise school inspection shall be conducted by the district education officer in the coming week starting from January 14, 2019 onward. Students are instructed to turn up in their best uniform. Teachers are also instructed to maintain their registers, display boards, and general discipline and cleanliness of the school especially near water taps and toilets.
Sanjay Das Gupta
Head Boy
RS Public School, Nagpur
This is to inform all the students that they must be punctual, disciplined and pay special attention to the cleanliness and wear proper uniform as there will be a surprise school inspection by the district education officer DEO in the coming week. This is important for the culture of the school. Everyone must abide by it.
Head boy
Sanjay Dasgupta.