Science, asked by Alexandra102, 20 days ago

Sanju fell down while playing on the ‘Monkey bars’ in the playground. He was unable to lift his arm as it pained very badly. His friends Parul, Kabir and Shravan made him comfortable and calmed him. Kabir ran and called his mother who took him to the doctor immediately. His elbow had swollen and had turned red. The doctor took an X-ray of the elbow region and said that there was no fracture. He tied a crepe bandage in the area of pain and said that it was just a sprain. Sanju gave rest to the arm for a week and it was fit as before.

i) Why did the doctor take an X-ray of the arm?
ii) What does an X-ray show?
iii) What do you think about the nature of Sanju’s friends - Parul, kabir and Shravan?
iv) What safety measures should one take if there is a sprain in any part of the body?


Answered by 929namankv2


i) Broken bones. Dislocated joints. Arthritis.

ii) An X-ray can detect broken bones, tumors, and even an object that is lodged inside the body.



Answered by yatharthsingh2211


Answer 1:- The doctor took an X-ray of the arm as it had swollen red and to see if there was a fracture or not.

Answer 2:- An X-ray shows dense parts of the body that block many of the X-rays show up as white (such as bones). Hollow or air-filled parts of the body show up as black (such as parts of the lung). Soft tissues (such as muscle and body organs) show up as various shades of grey, depending on how dense they are.

Answer 3:- I think that the nature of the 3 friends (Parul, Kabir, and Shravan)'s nature was very good as some friends in emergency teased their friends, but his friends were very good as they took Sanju to his mother during an emergency.

Answer 4:- 1) Rest the injured limb. Your doctor may recommend not putting any weight on the injured area for 48 to 72 hours, so you may need to use crutches. A splint or brace also may be helpful initially. But don't avoid all activity.

Even with an ankle sprain, you can usually still exercise other muscles to minimize deconditioning. For example, you can use an exercise bicycle with arm exercise handles, working both your arms and the uninjured leg while resting the injured ankle on another part of the bike. That way you still get three-limb exercise to keep up your cardiovascular conditioning.

2) Ice the area. Use a cold pack, a slush bath, or a compression sleeve filled with cold water to help limit swelling after an injury. Try to ice the area as soon as possible after the injury and continue to ice it for 15 to 20 minutes, four to eight times a day, for the first 48 hours or until swelling improves. If you use ice, be careful not to use it too long, as this could cause tissue damage.

3) Compress the area with an elastic wrap or bandage. Compressive wraps or sleeves made from elastic or neoprene are best.

4) Elevate the injured limb above your heart whenever possible to help prevent or limit swelling.

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