Sankara lyer is 88 years old and his wife is 82. Sabbesan's wife Parvathi says they are sturdy and are likely to live many years more.
Do you think life expectancy has increased in the developed countries ? Why do you think so? Write an article on 'Increase in Life Expectancy in developed Nations.
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Generally, wealthier countries have a higher average life expectancy than poorer countries [2,3,4], which can be argued to be achieved through higher standards of living, more effective health systems, and more resources invested in determinants of health (e.g. sanitation, housing, education)
Answered by
Life expectancies in developed and developing countries are increasing, with the UN predicting the number of centenarians worldwide will rise to 573,000 this year.
The US is home to 97,000 centenarians; the highest absolute number in the world.
Japan has the highest rate of centenarians, with 0.06% of the population aged 100 or older.
Kane Tanaka, the world's oldest woman, also lives in Japan and is 117 years old.
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