English, asked by banolahamu, 7 months ago

1. Duseuns Interruttive sentences in die taal
Review any that you have reundently
3. What is Bunutmation! Give the usume of any live Puncntation marks
4. Change the following sentences as directed
(aRaju said, I have topped my class (Direct to Indirect Speech)
chi The polleenuan said to us. Show me wur identity cards niet to Indirect Speech)
(c) My mother said, "Buvo ou have done well (Direct to Indirect Speech)
(d) The principal sad to the class. If you do not behave yoursel properly you all will be rusticated
from the school Decoding Speech
(e) He said to me, "Where are you going Direct to Indirect Speech)
(D) The judge commanded them to call the first witness, (Indirect to Direct Speech)
Alka exclaimed that she had won the badminton tournament, (Indirect to Direct Speech)
(h)Komal said that she had passed the medicul examination (Indirect to Direct Speech)
My friend requested me to wait there till he returned. (Indirect to Direct Speech)
0) The superintendent ordered the assistant to report everything clearly to him. Indirect to Direct)​


Answered by kumarim41044


mal said that she had passed the medicul examination (Indirect to Direct Speech)

My friend requested me to wait there till he returned. (Indirect to Direct Speech)

0) The

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