Hindi, asked by erica2, 1 year ago

Sanskrit basha ka mehtav in hindi only in 80 words not more than that


Answered by gunjitagoelpaxomz
संस्कृत  को  सभी  भाषाओँ  की  जननी  कहा  जा  सकता  है . संस्कृत  भाषा  में  सनातन  धर्म  की  कई  पुस्तके  लिखी  गयी  है . सभी  वेद , पुराण  संस्कृत  में  लिखे  गए  है . संस्कृत  में  ही  कई  प्रार्थनाये  लिखी  गयी  है  तथा  कई  श्लोक एवं  मंत्र  भी  संस्कृत  में  ही  लिखे  गए  है . यह  वह  सब  ज्ञान  है  जो  कई  वर्षो  पहले  महान  कवियों  एवं  लेखकों  ने  लिखा  है . इन्हे  इनके  वास्तविक  रूप  में  पढ़ने  के  लिए  संस्कृत  भाषा  को  पढ़ना , समझना  आना  चाहिए . 

erica2: ty for answering this i have put another question please answer it
erica2: it will be a great pleasure for me
gunjitagoelpaxomz: welcome. let me see it, if i could do it, i will definitely do it.
gunjitagoelpaxomz: hey dear, i saw ur question for nibandh on prakriti. i believe in writing myself and not copying from the net. u need a whole essay and seriously i dont have enough time. if u need some short paragraphs then please do ask me. hope u understand. <3
erica2: no it's fine
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