India Languages, asked by ajaysutar5063, 11 months ago

Sanskrit vartalap between two friends


Answered by Anonymous

Seeta: Reeta, Have seen my pen? सीता - रीटा भवती मम लेखनीं दृष्टवती वा? Seeta: reeta bhavatee mama lekhaneem drashtavatee vaa?
[रीटा = Reeta, भवती = you (feminine), मम = my, लेखनीं = pen, दृष्टवती वा = have you seen (feminine)?]

Reeta: Why?! Haven't you seen it? रीटा - किमर्थं?! न दृश्यते वा? Reeta: kimartham?! na drashyate vaa?
[किमर्थं = why, न दृश्यते वा = haven't you seen it?] In this situation, for example 'you' has not been explicitly used in Sanskrit sentence while Reeta is referring Seeta.

Seeta: Not at all! सीता - सत्यं न दृश्यते एव। Seeta: satyam na drashyate eva.
[सत्यं = truly, न दृश्यते एव = can not be seen at all] The word 'eva' for example does not mean 'at all' if it is used alone. 'eva' alone means kind of 'sure, it is' 'eva' means that you are stressing what you are saying when it is used in a sentence, for example like this one, where Seeta wants to stress that she has not seen her pen at all.

Reeta: About a 5 minutes ago, I have seen it just here! रीटा - पञ्चनिमिशात् पूर्वं अहम् अत्रैव दृष्टवती खलु। Reeta: panchanimishaat poorvam aham atraiva drashtavatee khalu.
[पञ्चनिमिशात् = about 5 minutes, पूर्वं = ago, अहम् = I अत्रैव = just here, दृष्टवती खलु = seen it,(feminine) haven't I?] The word 'khalu' can be used at the end of a sentence like this where you state a statement and then question yourself. Like the way for example sentences ending with am I not? Aren't you? Have you? Did you? and so on.

Seeta: Mm, After I had written, I had kept it on the top of bag. But now that it can not be seen at all! सीता - आम्, अहं लिखित्वा अत्रैव मम स्यूतस्य उपरि एव स्थापितवती। परन्तु इदानीं न दृश्यते एव। Seeta: aam, aham likhitvaa atraiva mama syootasya upari eva sthaapitavatee. Parantu idaaneem na drashyate eva.
[आम् = Mm, अहं = I, लिखित्वा = written, अत्रैव = just here, मम = my, स्यूतस्य = bag's, उपरि एव = on the top of, स्थापितवती = had kept (feminine), परन्तु = but, इदानीं = now, न दृश्यते एव = can't be seen at all!] Again in this sentence, you can see how the word eva has been used twice in different contexts. When she says 'na drashyate eva' she stresses the fact that she can not see her pen at all.

And the word 'eva' together with 'atra' becomes 'atraiva'. In this case, Seeta wants to stress point that she had kept her pen right there! You now know that, when you want to say something strongly how 'eva' can be used in addition.

Reeta: Seeta, ask your younger brother once. रीटा - भवती, भवत्याः अनुजं एकवारं पृच्छतु। Reeta: bhavatee, bhavatyaaha anujam ekavaaram prachchatu.
[भवती = you (feminine), भवत्याः = your (feminine) अनुजं = younger brother, एकवारं = once, पृच्छतु = do ask]. You can see that this sentence start with the word 'bhavati'. When you are talking to a girl/woman you can sometimes use this word safely rather than calling their names! It means that you are referring to a girl/woman.

Seeta: I have asked my younger brother too. He said he has not taken it. सीता - अहं मम अनुजम् अपि पृष्टवती। सः न स्वीकृतवान् इति उक्तवान्। Seeta: aham mama anujam api prashtavatee. Saha na sveekratavaan iti uktavaan.
[अहं = I, मम = my, अनुजम् = younger brother, अपि = too, पृष्टवती = asked (feminine), सः = he न स्वीकृतवान् = hasn't taken (masculine) , इति = that, उक्तवान् = said (masculine)]

Reeta: Seeta, have you seen inside your bag well? रीटा - भवती, भवत्याः स्यूतस्य अन्ते सम्यक् दृष्टवती वा? Reeta: bhavatee, bhavatyaaha syootasya ante samyak drashtavatee vaa?
[भवती = you (feminine), भवत्याः = your (feminine), स्यूतस्य = bag's, अन्ते = inside, सम्यक् = well, दृष्टवती वा = have you seen (feminine)?]

Seeta: Right. I will see inside my bag. सीता - सत्यम्, अहं स्यूतस्य अन्ते अपि दृष्टवती। Seeta: satyam, aham syootasya ante api drashtavatee.
[ सत्यम् = right, अहं = I, स्यूतस्य = bag's, अन्ते = inside, अपि = too, दृष्टवती = seen (feminine)]

Reeta: Then, where did the pen go? रीटा - तर्हि लेखनी कुत्र गता? Reeta: tarhi lekhanee kutra gataa.
[तर्हि = then, लेखनी = pen, कुत्र = where, गता = did go?]

Seeta: Wait, I will ask my father once. सीता - तिष्ठतु एकवारम् अहं मम पितरं पृच्छामि। Seeta: tishthatu ekavaaram aham mama pitaram prachchaami.
[तिष्ठतु = wait, एकवारम् = once, अहं = I, मम = my , पितरं = to father पृच्छामि = will ask] Here, for example the word 'tishthatu' literally means stand up! But Seeta does not mean that Reeta had to stand up. Because Reeta was trying to help finding Seeta's pen, she says, Hey wait! I will ask my father as that sudden though occurs to her.

Seeta: Reeta!! I found my pen! My father told that he had taken it to write a telephone number! सीता - रीटा! मम लेखनी लब्धा।मम पिता दूरभाषायाः संख्यां लेखितुं स्वीकृतवान् इति उक्तवान्।. Seeta: Reeta! Mama lekhanee labdhaa. Mama pitaa doorabhaashaayaaha sankhyaam lekhitum sveekratavaan iti uktavaan!
[रीटा! = Reeta!, मम = my, लेखनी = pen, लब्धा = got, मम = my, पिता = father, दूरभाषायाः = telephone's, संख्यां = to number, लेखितुं = to write, स्वीकृतवान् = taken (masculine), इति = it is, उक्तवान् = said (masculine)]

Anonymous: please mark as brainliest
Anonymous: please
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