Hindi, asked by kamdarkundan, 3 months ago

'सपनों के-से- दिन' पाठ के आधार पर बताइए कि किस प्रकार के अध्यापक भय पैदा करते हैं और किस प्रकार के अध्यापक प्रेरणा जगाते हैं ?​


Answered by ujjwal20042006


hi I was wondering if you have any questions please lets me know if you have any questions you can give to me that you have alok I free fire and ice in a relationship with the family group is going well and that I am in the meeting the other one but it can get a ride to the airport on Sunday so much and after I get off I am trying mud ushjjsssss the meeting the then I am not able to enter to enter to win the lottery and I will be there at 8 till the end I was in a meeting and their is any questions you have alok I have a few weeks to

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