Sapna has Rs. 170 with her. She purchased Product A for Rs. 150. She then sold it to another buyer and made a profit of 50 percent on her cost price. With all the money she then had in her hand, she bought Product B. Sapna then sold this product to another buyer and made a profit of 20 percent on her cost price. if both the sales transactions took place in cash how much money does sapna have now in her hand
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Sapna has Rs.170-150=20 in hand
She purchased a product Rs.150 and profit 50% it's goes Rs. 150+Rs.75=Rs.225
All money Rs.20+Rs.225=Rs.245
She bought B product and profit made 20% of Rs.245 means Rs.49
All the money in hand = Rs.245+Rs. 49=Rs.294
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rupees 20 well be purchased
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