Satellite as a Catalyst of Development
maark me as brainlist
In the early 1980s, the power of the artificial earth satellites
to bring about phenomenal growth in India’s television
broadcasting and telecommunication sectors was glaringly
demonstrated by a satellite called Indian National Satellite -1B
(INSAT-1B). It was the second satellite in the INSAT-1 series.
Because of the failure of its predecessor INSAT-1A, Indian space
scientists were very much concerned, but INSAT- 1B brought
in a major revolution in India’s telecommunications, television
broadcasting and weather forecasting sectors in a very short
and unthinkable time.
I N S A T - 1 B
facilitated the rapid
expansion of essential
facilities like telephone,
t e l e g r a p h a n d f a x
across the country.
T h r o u g h I N S A T -
1 B , m o u n t a i n o u s ,
inaccessible and isolated
regions of the North
and Northeast India as
well as island territories
o f A n d a m a n s a n d
Lakshadweep could be
accessed easily.