sauve Sentence ends with a Question Mark ?
(d) Every Exclamatory Word or Sentence ends with an Exclamation Mark !!!
e ends in a Full Stop 1.1
EXERCISE 1. State whether the following sentences are Assertive. Interrogative, Imperative
1. Don't disturb me in my studies.
2. The fire burns brightly.
3. What a clever man he is!
4. Don't throw garbage on the roads.
5. Doesn't the noise disturb you in your studies?
5. The book you gave me is not so interesting.
7. May I have some water, please? *
3. Little children should not go to bed late.
2. Where do you go after school?
5. This cat catches one or two mice every night.
EXERCISE 2. Rewrite the following sentences correctly after putting in the
nctuation marks:
1. what a nice girl she is
lot where you live
Answered by
Answer: please refer to the attachment (the second exercise you asked seems incorrect old check)

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