English, asked by 1Gaurav11, 1 year ago

सवाल : ऐसी कौन सी चीज है जो बाहर तो फ्री मिलती है और हॉस्पिटल में बहुत महंगी मिलती है ?

Question: What is the thing that gets free outside and gets very expensive in the hospital?



Answered by myrakincsem

Oxygen is the thing that gets free outside and gets very expensive in the hospital.

  • Oxygen is needed by animals and humans for breathing.
  • As we know, animals and humans get their oxygen from the environment as plants release oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis.
  • However, inside a hospital , a patient in a critical condition needs to be given air or oxygen through a ventilator.
  • Ventilators are machines to blow extra air in a patient and are costly.
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