English, asked by dhawalpandey5261, 11 months ago

Save earth save forest essay writing


Answered by geetagupta11
Save the forests, save the earth

Our forests are im­por­tant, and its up to us to en­sure that they are not de­stroyed.World Forestry Day has been cel­e­brat­ed around the world and serves as a re­minder of the im­por­tance of forests and the scores of ben­e­fits which are gained from them.The con­cept of cel­e­brat­ing a day every year as World Forestry Day orig­i­nat­ed at the 23rd Gen­er­al As­sem­bly of the Eu­ro­pean Con­fed­er­a­tion of Agri­cul­ture in 1971. Since then, every year March 21 is dis­tin­guished as World Forestry Day.

A for­est just doesn't mean trees on­ly, but it's an en­tire com­plex, liv­ing com­mu­ni­ty.Many in­ter­de­pen­dent pop­u­la­tions of plants and an­i­mals dwell be­neath the for­est canopy, the for­est soil is a home to large va­ri­ety of in­ver­te­brates, bac­te­ria and fun­gi, which play an es­sen­tial role in cy­cling nu­tri­ents in the soil and the for­est.The reck­less felling of trees is cre­at­ing many prob­lems in the sur­round­ings, and it is im­per­a­tive that every­one be­come ac­tive­ly in­volved in the preser­va­tion of our forests.The sur­vival of the rich gen­er­a­tion of flo­ra and fau­na has come un­der threat as a re­sult of ex­ploita­tion of forests.

Cut­ting of trees in hilly ar­eas is loos­en­ing the soil, and the up­per lay­er of fer­tile earth is erod­ing, which is re­sult­ing in un­con­trolled flood­ing when it rains. In ad­di­tion, ero­sion is se­ri­ous­ly ef­fect­ing agri­cul­tur­al pro­duc­tion.Forests have been of great im­por­tance to mankind since pre his­toric days. They pro­vides mul­ti­ple ben­e­fits to the en­vi­ron­ment, peo­ple, and an­i­mals.Forests are the source of many prod­ucts (tim­ber for mak­ing fur­ni­ture, hous­es, ships, fu­el wood or char­coal, pa­per, processed wood prod­ucts like cel­lo­phane, plas­tics, syn­thet­ic fi­bres like ray­on and ny­lon, rub­ber from the la­tex of rub­ber tree, etc).Fruits, nuts and spices are gath­ered from the for­est, and a num­ber of med­i­c­i­nal plants such as cam­phor and cin­chona, al­so come from the forests.

The roots of the trees hold the soil to­geth­er and pre­vent rapid runoff of wa­ter af­ter heavy rains, min­imis­ing flood­ing. Trees ab­sorb car­bon diox­ide and re­lease oxy­gen in­to air, which is in turn in­haled by the mankind.Veg­e­ta­tion af­fects lo­cal and glob­al cli­mate. Trees form a pro­tec­tive cov­er over the earth, as well as pro­vide shel­ter to the wild an­i­mals and pro­tect all the liv­ing be­ings from the neg­a­tive ef­fects of the sun. Trees ab­sorb heat, thus help­ing to reg­u­late the tem­per­a­ture of earth.Forests re­duce light re­flec­tion, of­fer a sound bar­ri­er and help guide wind di­rec­tion and speed.

pls mark it as brainliest hope you would like the answer
Answered by BrainlyVirat
Here is the answer 

SaveEarth,Save Forests 
We, all ,live on the planet Earth.
Earth is the only planet which has life on it.
Mother earth has given us many ,many things .It's our responsibility to conserve it and ensure that the upcoming generation gets a better environment.

Our Mother Earth is in danger. And the reason behind this is nothing but the Humans! Humans are destroying the natural resources and misusing it. If you have to save Earth , first save these resources. 

In order to save our Earth, we, humans, surely have to take appropriate steps. We should stop pollution , global warming which are a threat to environment. As a result, The Earth and its environment have been affected so adversely due to many of human’s activities. 

Therefore, we humans need to take care of our mother earth. Deforestation, Industrialization, etc have , all affected the natural equilibrium of our Earth. Air Pollution, Water pollution , Soil erosion are some of the environmental issues which causes harm to humans itself.

Clearing of Forests , Cutting of trees has surely led to ecological damage.Hence , Every singld effort on our part to save the Earth and environment can make a difference, too.
So , Only we have to decide whether to harm the environment or damage it.

So , Save Earth so as to have ateast a better life.

Save Earth! Save forests !

Jai Hind !
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