English, asked by Dipu521, 1 month ago

Save out soil letter writing show


Answered by biradarrajkumar163


Soil is highly useful to us. We grow plants and trees in it. It holds the trees in place and supply nutrients and water to the plants to grow. The top soil is very healthy for plants to grow, and therefore, farmers take good care of the top soil for better yield.

However, a strong wind or heavy rains can easily remove the fertile top soil. The removal of soil by water or wind is called soil erosion. A forest is a great collector and storeroom of water. The root structure of a tree holds together the soil and stops soil erosion.

Soil erosion brings less fertile soil on the earth’s surface, if this process is not stopped well within time, the land may soon turn into a barren land or a desert. The crops will no longer grow in such an unfertile soil, and soon there will be food scarcity. Now who wants to go hungry to bed? We can prevent soil erosion by preserving the forests, and planting more trees.

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