English, asked by jagadeesanvetr606, 9 months ago



Answered by nileshkumbhar17


Air, water and soil pollution have assumed enormous proportions on our planet. We are also experiencing a reduction in the availability of water due to pollution of water bodies. We need fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink. And trees play a big role in releasing oxygen into the air and maintaining the hydrological cycle on earth.

Trees are a source of providing oxygen in the air and using up carbon dioxide from the air. Therefore they help in providing us the very vital element for our breathing. If there is no oxygen we cannot live. And trees help in keeping the levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere in check. Global warming is a phenomenon that is caused by high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Varied human activities such as increased vehicular traffic and industries have lead to excessive pollution of the air and accumulation of greenhouse gases. Besides, the felling of trees and clearing of forests has led to increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the air. Global warming leads to climate change that affects the lives of man and other animals adversely. Saving trees is therefore very important for our life and the life of our planet.

Trees also prevent flooding and the silting of water bodies because they help in holding the soil. Besides, if there were no trees the top soil would easily be washed away in a flood. It is the top soil which is rich in nutrients. And this is held by trees. Therefore trees also play a role in maintaining the fertility of soil. Trees maintain the level of the water table so that water can be sourced from underground too and used for our varied needs.

Trees are big source of food. Man and all herbivorous animals depend on trees for food. The edible parts of trees which include roots, stems, barks, leaves, flowers and fruits, feed and nourish various life forms. Vegetarians depend wholly on plant products for their food.

Trees in gardens and on avenues offer us pleasant and aesthetic surroundings. A walk in a forest is a very refreshing experience. Beautiful trees with colourful flowers and fruits are also home to varieties of birds and animals.

Trees are nature’s boon to us. We must therefore make all efforts to save trees for the life of our planet and all the life forms that inhabit it.

——– Written by Nilesh Kumbhar.

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