English, asked by moazbinhassan, 5 months ago

save water essay

400 words and 3 paragraph​


Answered by Rupesh4867


Water has become a highly necessary part of human being’s existence on Earth. Thus, the importance of water can be compared to the importance of air. All living organisms whether it is human, animals, or plants. Everyone is completely depending on fresh and potable water. Thus, essay on save water save a life is an insight into some of the unknown and important benefits of water for human beings. Water is perhaps the second most important substance on Earth after the air. Apart from drinking, there are other benefits of water as well. Thus, it includes cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. Water is not a vital part of the human being’s survival. Also, it important for the survival of trees and plants. Additionally, it is a precious element required for the agricultural as well as various other industrial sectors. 

Currently, the biggest problem related to global warming is a huge water depreciation on Earth. This is mainly caused due to misuse of water happening at various places. In the current scenario, it is important to understand the formula for the conversation of water and thereby save water. Because pure water resources are the primary sources for all our necessities. And when it becomes depreciated, it can lead to huge catastrophic conditions for human beings. 

Answered by Anonymous


Water is the most useful gem on the earth. Life is possible on this earth only because of water. It is difficult to imagine the life of mankind and other species without water. It is a precious gift for life through nature, or instead, it is the basis of life of the entire fauna and flora on earth. Seventy percent of our land is aquatic, the sea which is the largest source of water is a vast reservoir of water spread throughout the earth. But the water that is require for human beings and other living beings to drink and use in other works is only 3 percent on this earth. Therefore today we need to say that water is life and from today we should vow not to waste it.

Usable water on our earth is gradually getting depleted, and we are human beings for this reason too. If we continue to destroy nature in this way, then the day is not far when the third world war will be for water. We can live without food for a few days but cannot live for even a day without water because 70 percent of the human body is of water.

Even today, if we make ourselves aware and now that we will not play with nature, plant more trees, irrigate water and do not use it in vain, then surely we will meet this shortage of water. During rainy, a lot of the water that falls on the earth goes into the sea. If we collect that water by making a pond, reservoir, pool, etc. then we can store a lot of water and use it in our daily life.

There are many countries in the world, which make the salt water of the sea drinkable with special machines and use it, we should develop a similar technology. We need to take special steps to increase the level of water inside the earth. We cannot save water reserves until we stop the wasteful use of water. Mahatma Gandhi always used to take as much water as required, the same thinking would be adopted by every human being. If we do not want to see our future generation struggling with water scarcity, then from now on we have to wake up and save our water reserves. If we do not wake up, the next generation will never forgive us. Let us all imbibe this water in our life and save water


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