Say few Rainwater Harvesting Techniques of West Bengal and Ladakh.(pls dont say the WATER Harvesting techniques say The RAINWATER harvesting techniques)
RAINWATER HARVESTING IN WEST BENGAL Rapid urbanization and industrialization has led to incessant withdrawal ofgroundwater in recent times, without paying much heed to the hydro geologicalcharacteristics of the area, thereby depleting the groundwater level at a fast rate. West Bengal receives a fair amount of rainfall in almost all parts during monsoon. However, in absence of any structured strategy for harvesting the rainwater exceptingsome piecemeal approaches Most part of the rainwater finds its way to drains/nullahsas runoff. In view of uncontrolled groundwater abstraction, there is not onlysignificant lowering of aquifer level, in many areas of the state including Kolkata, Haldia, etc., such abstraction is also resulting in intrusion of saline water as alsoarsenic in the aquifer, besides subsidence of land in specific areas.For reasons stated above, it is high time to start harvesting rainwater, specially inurban cities and drought-prone districts of the state. The rainwater during the rainyseasons can easily be collected from the rooftop (even in thatched huts). The collectedrainwater may either be recharged into the groundwater aquifers or storied for directuse after very simple pre-treatment.