India Languages, asked by uaravindsree, 8 months ago

Say the object in the small hut p.
2. Write the enlightenment of the god Muthuromalingam.
3. What is Tavayo Modem?
4. Place riverine literature
5. Who set up Commissar?
6. Write the element of the cup.
7. What is an anchor?
8. Who is in the heart of the world?


Answered by charusharma64

2.The Age of Enlightenment (also known as the Age of Reason or simply the Enlightenment)was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuriesThe Enlightenment emerged out of a European intellectual and scholarly movement known as Renaissance humanism and was also preceded by the Scientific Revolution and the work of Francis Bacon, among others. Some date the beginning of the Enlightenment to René Descartes' 1637 philosophy of Cogito, ergo sum ("I think, therefore I Am"), while others cite the publication of Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica (1687) as the culmination of the Scientific Revolution and the beginning of the Enlightenment. French historians traditionally date its beginning with the death of Louis XIV of France in 1715 until the 1789 outbreak of the French Revolution. Most end it with the beginning of the 19th century.

3.The technology acceptance model (TAM) is an information systems theory that models how users come to accept and use a technology.

The actual system use is the end-point where we want everyone to be able to do with technology, so we have to form Behavioral Intention, which is a factor that leads people to use the technology. The behavioral intention (BI) is influenced by the attitude (A) which is the general impression of the technology.

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