English, asked by priyaraman211, 26 days ago

Scene 3
Scene 2
Seema is now sitting in the drawing room with her books.
Uncle: Hello Seema! How's school going?
Seema: Fine, Uncle. I'm trying to study
Uncle: But the party's going to begin soon. Aren't you going to get ready?
Seema: l...
(Seema's mother comes in.)
Mother: Seema, why did you throw your clothes on the floor? It's
such a mess now.
Seema: I didn't do it...
(Seema's father comes in, talking on the phone.)
Father: So the food will be here at 4 pm, right? Okay, just called
to confirm. Bye
Father (to Seema): Why so grumpy?
(He doesn't wait for an answer. Everyone starts talking. Seema
gets up and starts walking to the door.)
Seema (to her Mother): I'm going to find a quiet place to study.
Mother (not really listening): Hmm? Okay.
The two children shake their heads. Grandma comes in.)
Father (coming in): The bride and the groom are on their way. What
happened? Why are you looking so worried?
Two Children (together): Seema's missing!
(Everyone starts calling out Seema's name and searching for her.
Seema is Missing - Grade 3 - Block 23, 24 XSEED
Seema's aunt is searching for Seema in the living room.
Aunt: Seeeeeeema! Where are you?
Mother: What happened?
Aunt: Have you seen Seema? I wanted to give her these bangles to
wear for the party.
Mother: I don't know where she is. SEEEEEEEMMAA! Where are you?
(Uncle and the two children come into the room)
Uncle: Why are you shouting?
Grandma: Does anyone want more laddoos?
Mother: Seema's missing!
Aunt: Seema is missing! Have any of you seen her?​


Answered by naishabhatia13
hi please mark me as the brainliest
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