School cleanliness campaign essay
It is said that, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". Cleanliness is important to remain healthy. Many germs breed in dirty surroundings and cause diseases. So it is very essential to keep our surroundings clean. Cleanliness is also necessary for a pure and healthy mind. Every religion emphasizes the need to clean the body, mind and surroundings before performing worship. So in order to be close to Divinity we have to be clean and keep our surroundings clean.
My school building is very old. It is very big and has a number of classrooms. There is a big playground. There is a lab, a library and a hostel for boarders. Besides this there is a canteen also. The building is used by nearly 1500 students everyday from 7 am to 5 pm. It is also used for some social purposes on Sundays. So it is very essential to keep it very clean.
The cleanliness week was approaching. So the teachers and the administrators of the school made plans to clean the school in a systematic way. They purchased all the necessary equipment like brooms, mops, baskets and other cleaning items for the purpose. All the students were divided into groups. They were to work under their respective teacher. The teachers explained to them about the necessity of cleanliness. The students were instructed in detail about the work to be done.
On the first day all the groups worked in the main building. They cleaned the classrooms. All the cupboards were opened. The things were taken out and rearranged after cleaning. The useless things were discarded. The corridors were cleaned thoroughly.
Next day we worked in the playground. All the swings were cleaned. We cleaned the sports equipment and arranged them in a orderly manner. We swept the area and removed the pile of garbage which had accumulated since a long time.
In the following days we cleaned the lab, then the library and the canteen. Like this seven days passed by. On the eighth day the school looked spic and span. We felt thrilled to see our marvellous work.