English, asked by jayshreekedare22622, 5 months ago

School life before and after the pandemic​


Answered by Aleenaharis


1 Getting Together With Friends

female friends talking at a coffee shop


"I mostly miss the energy people bring to the room when we get together. That's completely absent in Zoom happy hours and texting. I miss it for that reason and also because of the lost possibility of physical contact. That will return at some point, and I eagerly await it, but that most likely won't be any time soon." — Greg, 43, Kansas City, Missouri

He's right in the short term at least—even in cities that are relaxing their lockdowns, you'll want to maintain social distancing until the CDC says you shouldn't. You can still see your friends, just stand six feet away and wear a mask.

2 Dinner Out

person passing plate of food to another person at dinner table


"I miss eating out so much. I wanna sit in a restaurant and eat tiny overpriced sharing plates. I want dim sim, sushi, tapas and cichetti. I want jugs of sangria and bottomless margaritas. I wanna annoy my friends by ordering the desserts that take 45 minutes to make." — Twitter user @gareth_arrow1  

Restaurants in some cities are opening—but many with social distancing rules in place.

3 Less Anxiety

woman lying on a grass outdoor


Fear of the virus, the interruption of your day-to-day, loss of income, social isolation—just about everything about daily life right now can lead to increased worry. Think about the times you've faced challenges in the past and proven resilient. Some experts recommend giving yourself a "worry break"— a designated, limited time (maybe 15 minutes) each day in which you allow yourself to fret about the things that are troubling you—then don't think about them the rest of the day. Try it; it really works.

4 Your Old Routine

Mother waving goodbye at her son before school.


"I just want to go back to feeling safe dropping off my kids at school and making small talk with other parents and teachers. We were supposed to go to Disney, but instead we celebrated three birthdays in quarantine. I am hopeful that we will rise as a country after the pandemic to be more mindful and innovative." — Liz, 36, Boca Raton, Florida

5 Extended Family Time

Grandparents Relaxing On Sofa At Home With Granddaughters


"I have four grandchildren, ages 1 through 6, and although we FaceTime on a regular basis, it's just not the same as having one of them crawl on your lap to read a book. And of course, I miss my own boys as well. Tearing up as I write this …" — Cathy, Lake Ozark, Missouri

6 Better Sleep

man sleeping in bed


If you're experiencing insomnia and/or unusually vivid, disturbing dreams right now, you're definitely not alone. Quartz and National Geographic recently reported that both are on the rise during the pandemic. Sleep experts think that because we're doing less each day, our brains are "digging deeper" into our memories to find information to process. The good news is that the phenomenon will likely fade with time.

7 Hugs


"I am a huge believer in 20-second hugs, and the lack of serotonin is seriously [messing] up my sleep!" — Michael, 36, Toronto, Canada

8 Taking Kids to School

rear view of father and little daughter holding hands and walking to school bus


"I miss school. My four year old has Zoom lessons with his Pre-K class, and it's a disaster. It's not the teacher's fault; she's awesome. But little kids need to play with each other. And the screen time — between class, grandparents, and 'educational' games — is turning him into a zombie." — Richard, 40, New York City

9 Going Out at Night

Group Of Middle Aged Friends Celebrating In Bar Together


"I literally haven't stepped foot outside since the sun set since March 12. Just feels creepy to go out there. Almost like an unconscious self-imposed curfew. Whenever I'm out at the end of day I'm like, 'Uh oh. Sunset is coming. Better get home.'" — John, 36, New York City

Remember that walks are safe, as long as you wear a mask and stay six feet away from others.

11 Concerts/Theater

Portrait of smiling woman in auditorium of opera teatre


"I had to cancel a yearly summer trip to NYC during which I usually see a show every night, dine at strictly local spots and catch up with former students from my teaching days. Live Broadway theater has no replacement, having coffee or wine and catching up with those I watched grow up is so very special and eating at Katz's Deli or Zabars is something I can taste from afar." — Cathy, Lake Ozark, Missouri

One balm: Many Broadway performers are live-streaming performances.

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