School Uniform should not be compulsory. I need remarks for and against this statement.?????
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believe uniforms are good because they are equalizers, me as a school student would hate to have no uniforms, it would be a world of bullies and nasty comments. I believe that all school students should look presentable for their school, when a parent is looking for a school for there child, they want a guaranteed excellent education for them. They are looking at the dress code and the wonderful students in the school. Imagine if someone was rich and someone was poor, the rich person with lots of the latest fashion clothing, and the poor with something plain and not up to the standard of others, it would be a world of pain, getting picked on and left out for not dressing in the 'latest fashion' you would be left out of groups, you would be stared at, you would be embarrassed, you would hate to be that person.
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