Schools and Colleges are an institution that needs to integrate a diverse
range of individuals. Identify some of the integrating mechanisms which
these institutions use to promote a sense of social solidarity”?
Society is a combination of institutions which actually shapes human behaviour. But as evolution takes place, both individual and societal behaviour has changed. The reasons are many. One such attribute is schools and colleges where the education system transformed into newer ones. Social behaviour can be attained only by the interactions with the people around us. These cannot be learnt from the books.
Ethical values like self discipline, honesty, non-partisanship are inculcated in the schools as well as college education. But who gets the right knowledge depends upon the individual. They may attain them either in school or college.
Solidarity in individuals comes only when there is a secularistic feeling developed among people. Actually, College education gives independency to the students which itself develops a social mobility in the society.