English, asked by arbaz8, 1 year ago

science and relagion eassy


Answered by Anonymous
Science and religion are two different aspects of life. Both have their own importance and value. History tells us that the two have always been in conflict in the beginning; religion was all important and reigned supreme in every spare of life. But gradually its place was taken by science. Today science is far more important than religion.

There are basic differences between the outlook of science and religion. The outlook of science is rational. Science believes in experiment and observation. It teaches its followers that nothing is to be believed until it has been proved to be true through experiment. Religion, on the other hand, is a matter of faith. It teaches its followers to believes and have faith in the teaching of religious teachers and the authority of religious books. Thus whatever is written in the ‘VEDAS’ or the ‘GITA’ is true, for it is the word of GOD himself. The existence of god cannot be proved but it can be felt by those who have faith. It is all a matter of faith and not of experiment or observation.

Scientific truths are tentative. Science believes that nothing is absolutely true. What is regarded as true today may be proved to be false the very next day by further experiments and observations. Thus, there was a time when the earth was supposed to be motionless and the sun was supposed to go round it. Gradually science proved that this was wrong and showed that it is the earth which goes round the sun. Similarly, Newton’s law of GRAVITATION held the day till Einstein came out with his superior theory of relativity. In this way, science advances towards truth as absolute. Whatever is written in religious books is regarded as absolutely true. Anyone who criticizes the teaching of religion is considered to be a heretic and is violently condemned. In the past, those who dared to question a religious truth were mercilessly persecuted and punished. The example of GALILEO readily comes to mind in this connection. In short, science is progressive and dynamic while religion are static and orthodox.

Answered by MrPerfect0007
HEll0 frnd

Religion has been guiding religion for thousands of years.

People are worshiping with their devotion and devotion to Goddesses, people leave all their worries and worries and believe that God will solve all their problems and bless them.

Scientists taught the scientists to examine things. Science has influenced people's minds and ideas to a great extent.

There is a close relationship between science and religion. Religion teaches us the principle of ethics and science should always be guided by this principle of ethics.

Some people dedicate their lives in the study of this science and become great prophets. Only when the scientific power is guided by religion and morality only becomes more effective and beneficial.

Our atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, shows how scientific power is being abused due to the lack of religion and ethics.


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