English, asked by navjotsingh3064, 6 months ago

Science and technology are getting a bad press these days. increasingly scornful of the materialism of our culture,

young people speak about returning to a simpler, pre-industrial, pre-scientific days. They fail to realize that the

'good old days' were really the horribly bad old days of ignorance, disease, slavery and death. They fancy

themselves in Athens, talking to Socrates, listening to the latest play by Sophocles- never as a slave brutalized in

the Athenian silver mines. They imagine themselves as medieval knights on armoured horse- never as starving


Yet, right down to modern times, the wealth and prosperity of a relative few have been built on the animal -like

labour and wretched existence of many- peasants, serfs and slaves. What’s more, nothing could be done about it.

Slavery and peonage were taken for granted. Not until science became prominent did slavery come to be

recognized as a dreadful wrong and to be abolished. It was the scientist, supposedly cold and concerned with

things rather than ideals, who brought this about. His investigations made possible the harnessing of the energy of

the inanimate world.

With steam, electricity and radio beams to do our work for us there was less need for the comparatively weak or

fumbling human muscle and slavery begin to vanish.

It is also a fact that, before modern technology, the full flower of art and human intellect was reserved for the few.

It was the technical advances of printing that scattered books widely and made universal literacy practical. It was

cinema, radio, the record player and television that brought many of the marvels of humankind (along with much

of the refuse) to even the poorest.

Yes, science has helped create problems, too- serious ones. And we must labour to solve them in the only way

history tells us problems have been solved by science. If we were to turn away now, if a noble young generation

abandoned the materialism of an industry, what would happen? Without the machinery of that industry we would

inevitably drift back to slavery.

Based on your understanding answer the following
questions: [8]

1. What is, young people scornful about?

a) Modern materialism. b) Modern education

c) Modern science d) Modern politics

2. What do young people want to restore?

a) Age of super computer. b) Age of modern science c ) Age of pre- scientific days. d) Age of barbarism

3. How were the 'good old days' in reality?

a) Days of ignorance. b) Disease and death c ) Slavery. d) All the above

4. How did the few make wealth in the old days?

a) by their business. b) their hard-work

c) by the hard work of slaves and the poor d) None of the above

5.Find the word which means ' shaking due to weakness'.

a) Drift. b) Fumble c) Constant d) Abandon

6. Find the antonym of 'civilized'.

a) Abandoned. b) Reserved c ) Brutalized. d) Armored

7. The materialism of our culture hardly would allow our young people understanding__________ in their positive


8. Here is a still existed tendency of submission and______ thereby; wealth of a nation is centered in few hands.


Answered by Urmilsethi43


There is no answer for it.

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